Thursday, February 19, 2009

Thank goodness for my third arm

Hey fellow 201ers,

The discussion around Natural Born Cyborgs has generated alot of conversation on the development/need of the third arm. I myself think a third arm would be very "handy" throughout all task performed during the day. One example brought up in small groups the other day was the ability to hold the morning paper with two arms and eat your cereal at the same time. I think whether you have a third arm or not you are more than likely a cyborg walking down the street. Anytime you walk down the street people have some kind of technology hanging from them, whether it is a cellphone, an ipod, sunglasses, or even a pacemaker. Having anyone of these items you would be considered a cyborg in the eyes of the author Clark. The third arm is simply the result of the natural progression of developing newer technologies to make our lives easier. Some technologies that we use are not used to make our lives easier but instead are used simply to one up the person next to us.

Also discussed in this past week were the ideas of opaque and transparent technologies. I believe someone commented in class that opaque techs become transparent over time. I would like to second this thought. When computers first came out I am sure there were just as opaque as the video-boards ( not sure if that is what they are called, I am looking for what was talked about in class and used during election day by CNN). But, computers today are much more transparent, and to some people may even be considered see-through.

That's about it, have a good weekend.



  1. About the opaque and transparent i would have to add cell phones to that too because i used to think that rich people were the only ones who have cell phones and business people, but it has become transparent..

  2. I agree with how you say that opaque things become transparent over time. I also think that some things that used to be transparent, such as a typewriter or a quill pen with ink have become opaque to us because we have never used them. I think transparency is somewhat of a phase that a society goes through and both old and new things turn opaque.
