Thursday, February 12, 2009

I want the Truth!.....You can't handle the Truth!

This past week we have discussed the concept of "truth." According to Rorty, "truth" is determined by the people. I disagree with Rorty on this idea, and I believe that truth exist whether we as people aknowledge it or not. The idea that I use to back up my position on this is the fact that every once in awhile new species are found and added to the animal record. Now, just because we did not aknowledge these species as existing doesn't mean they were not there.

Role of Technology?
I follow the idea of social constructionism, I believe that technology is advanced and also used on a basis of necessity. For example, the telephone was created because the need or the want was developed to talk to someone in a different area without having to send a letter.

Finally, I thought our discussion on "Ipod culture" was not only interesting but somewhat humorous. I believe that Ipods have drastically changed the way we interact in society. We no longer live in an "Andy Griffith Show" society were people happily carry on conversations with strangers and have no fear in doing so. Now we find solace in our ear-buds as we walk down the street tuning out society, whether it is a kind stranger or a moving car.

Take it easy,


  1. I agree that technology advances as we develop needs/wants for new things that are easier or better. I think the key word in that phrase is "wants". This is just an idea, but dont you think that some technologies are created out of pure human laziness and a constant need for instant gratification? lol.

  2. I agree with both of you on the fact that technology advancements are a product of wants and needs. Looking back at your discussion about truth, I agree that most of it just exists. But I also think a small part of it is what we learn when we are young. If we were never taught what is right and wrong in elementary school, some of the things that we now think as preset in our minds may not be there.

  3. I think I have to disagree with your assessment on advancements in technology. I'd say that it is absolutely NOT a result of necessity, and entirely a result of human desires and laziness. I kid about the laziness thing, but I think it's a bit of a stretch to say that we need things like computers, ipods, even pencils and paper. Technology is more of a means of making life easier for humans such that we can focus our efforts on things other than committing entire books to memory, or meticulously recording multi-tracked songs onto wax cylinders.

  4. Haha. My comment is not as thought out as the other ones. I just wanted to let you know that there still are some places that are a lot like the Andy Griffith show still. In my hometown it's seen as rude to just walk by someone on the street without saying anything. "Hi" is the minimum requirement. And if you actually know the person you DEFINITELY need to stop. Because if you don't there will be rumors flying around about how you ignored so and so. Oh how I love living in a town of 3,000...

  5. I like Ryan's comment about the existence of certain species before the advent our knowledge of them. However, I am going to diverge onto the offramp and suggest that "truth" and "fact" may not always be the same thing. The existence of those particular species of animals was always "fact" but, that fact was not always a part of our truth. Therefore, the addition of unknown facts into our society's collection of knowledge (i.e. the point of "discovery") is what makes our sense of truth flexible; this flexibility is what differentiates truth from fact.
